5 Questions with Julia (about learning improv)

Interested in learning how to improvise?

ImproMafia has been teaching people improv for over 10 years. We thought we would ask some of the students from our recent beginner’s class to tell us about their experience - why they did it, what they learned and what was their favourite moment.

The first student we wanted to introduce is - Julia!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself? Who are you? What do you like to do (apart from improv?)

I'm Julia, a recent transplant to Brisbane after many years away. I like watching movies, running and I've recently started learning how to read tarot cards.

2. Why did you decide to take a learn improv class?

So! Many! Reasons! I loved Theatresports in highschool. While I was at uni there was an improv class that I missed out on because it clashed with another class I had to take. Ever since then I've had an itch I needed to scratch. I'm always looking for opportunities to build my communication skills to be better at my job. There's also the draw of taking a class and having an instant new group of friends.

3. What was your favourite moment from the classes?

There's a spark when you're in a scene with someone and all of a sudden they say something to make it all make sense. Time slows and you're perfectly in sync with each other. It feels electric.

4. What is the one lesson from improv you will use in the rest of your life?

To actually listen to what someone is saying in the moment. Too often we jump to a conclusion about what they're going to say before they actually say it. Or we're focused on what we're going to say next. Improv encourages you to slow down and to be completely in the moment.

5. What did you find the most challenging part of the class?

Letting go of a fear of looking stupid. Some of the exercises are pretty silly. Not every scene is going to work out perfectly. But letting go and not overthinking makes the scene flow. Fortunately the games and exercises prime us that failure is our friend and we can always go AGAIN!

Learn how to improvise

Our next set of classes is coming up on Saturday 4th May. If you want to grab a spot you can find out more here.

Wade Robinson